Go Outside the Box
/Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash
On April 29th, Kelly & Lara took the podcast outside of the box and hosted a live Doing (good) Business event (which will air in 2 parts on May 13th and 20th). It inspired the hosts to think about how going outside of the box is part of doing good business!
Kelly’s What If You Could workshop is ALL about thinking outside the box, Lara touches on out of the box hiring practices, and Lara’s cat Auryon makes a little guest appearance a couple of times - she’s clearly an outside the box thinker!
Listen to learn Lara’s favorite out-of-the-box practice to get out of negative thinking, and some of Kelly’s favorite tips courtesy of Edward de Bono.
Get out of the box with:
Socrates - it is only the unknown where new ideas can spring from (or something like that!)