Mindset with Kelly Stewart
/Photo by Andrew Kitchen on Unsplash
Mindset! Our very special guest is none other than our own, Kelly Stewart! In addition to being co-host of Doing (good) Business, Kelly is the founder of The Positive Business and is a Positive Business Consultant.
Kelly helps business leaders break through the burden of doing business as usual and make the world a better place in the process - which is a fancy way of saying that she helps companies make things like giving back or being environmentally conscious, become quantifiable business practices that positively impact the bottom line!
Learn what a positive business really is, how you can implement positive business practices in your leadership and company, and how being disruptive...can be a positive thing!
We positively recommend you check out:
John Elkington: A concern for people and planet can coexist with an ambition for profits
Kelly’s What if You Could workshops