Finding Opportunity in Challenge & Change

Grab a pen and paper for this episode! After the violence at the US Capitol on January 6th, Kelly called Lara with an idea for a bonus episode.

Grab a pen and paper for this episode! After the violence at the US Capitol on January 6th, Kelly called Lara with an idea for a bonus episode.

Put simply, we want to support you more and share tools to help you get from here (probably feeling like we are, and having a hard time connecting to hope and taking action) to there (more creativity, more compassion, more capacity to show up the way you want to in the world).

Think you can’t change the way you respond to things? Don't know how to get from reacting to thoughtful action? We walk you through the steps that you can take (for your organization AND yourself - because the micro is the macro and vice versa), to tap into creativity, look at things differently, and do good business. 

What started as an idea for a “quickie” bonus episode became 30+ minutes of actionable content for the leaders, solopreneur, and individual contributor - complete with spoiler alerts about next week’s episode!