Values - Yours, The Company's and What it Means in Business
/Values is the November theme on D(g)B, and while we love the usual November topics of gratitude and being thankful, we’re going against the grain a bit and diving into values! Are your company’s values more than just a page on your website? Do you know your personal values? Why are values important in terms of organizational/company benefits and how do you live the company's values to realize the benefits? How the heck do you even get started with this values stuff? Kelly & Lara talk about all that and more.
Topics we value:
Values from your hiring process to the full life cycle of an organization
Values as a competitive advantage
Traditional values, e.g. integrity, trust, accountability and the emerging values, e.g. humility, ownership, simplicity
These are our corporate values vs. This is what we value as a company
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