Values - Yours, The Company's and What it Means in Business

Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash

Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash

Values is the November theme on D(g)B, and while we love the usual November topics of gratitude and being thankful, we’re going against the grain a bit and diving into values! Are your company’s values more than just a page on your website? Do you know your personal values? Why are values important in terms of organizational/company benefits and how do you live the company's values to realize the benefits? How the heck do you even get started with this values stuff? Kelly & Lara talk about all that and more.

Topics we value:

  • Values from your hiring process to the full life cycle of an organization

  • Values as a competitive advantage

  • Traditional values, e.g. integrity, trust, accountability and the emerging values, e.g. humility, ownership, simplicity

  • These are our corporate values vs. This is what we value as a company

  • Resources to find your personal values: TruValues & PVA


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Values is the November theme on D(g)B, and while we love the usual November topics of gratitude and being thankful, we're going against the grain a bit and diving into values! Are your company's values more than just a page on your website? Do you know your personal values?