Doing (good) Business

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How to bring humor into the workplace (yes, even now!) with Mary Fran Bontempo

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Humor might seem like the furthest thing from your mind right now, but the truth is, it’s times like this that we need it most - especially when we’re trying so hard to maintain connection!

What’s the point of humor in the workplace? Mary Fran Bontempo to the rescue! She takes the points Kelly & Lara made in episode 51 and expands beautifully. Yes, there are downsides of not having/allowing in the workplace! Humor humanizes and relaxes us and it’s a great tool in business. 

  • What happens when there’s resistance to humor and how do you incorporate it into even the most serious of roles and situations? 

  • Where do you even start? Hint: you may have noticed a trend in that everything starts with you!

  • What are some best practices for humor in the workplace? 

  • Kelly’s nervous giggle is explained ...and we learn how her father (our unofficial 3rd host) used humor as a helicopter pilot trainer! 

Learn more about Mary Fran

Check out Brilliantly Resilient