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Robyn Gigl: Attorney, Author, & Activist on Authenticity & Story

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Kelly & Lara are big proponents of bringing your whole self to work - and realize that as straight, white, cis-gendered women, it’s a lot easier for us to bring our whole selves to work than it is for those with marginalized identities. Robyn Gigl is a lawyer, author, activist, and transgender woman. She joins D(g)B to share how she used story in her career as a lawyer, even before she was an author. What it means for her to bring her whole self to work now, and what it looked like before she was free to be fully herself. She’s even got some advice for the folks who want to bring out more of their authenticity at work.

  • What does an organization need to allow people to step into who they are? Inclusion with a capital I and diversity with a little d, because diversity doesn’t matter if we’re not Inclusive.

  • Robyn’s #1 way for leaders to be more open & affirming? Humility.

  • What to avoid? Walking away.

  • What helped her most when she came out? Even if you don’t understand, be understanding.

Robyn Gigl, is the author of the upcoming #OwnVoices novel By Way of Sorrow (Kensington Publishing Corp. / March 31st, 2021) and is an attorney, speaker, and activist who has been honored by the ACLU-NJ and the NJ Pride Network for her 40+ years of work on behalf of the LGBTQIA+ community. 

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